Today I can finally say these beautiful words: I am a published author. My new book “Out the Door – 10 Tales of Adventure” is finally available to purchase from Amazon. Out the Door...
Today I can finally say these beautiful words: I am a published author. My new book “Out the Door – 10 Tales of Adventure” is finally available to purchase from Amazon. Out the Door...
Episode 1 of the Pan American Highway. The journey begins with a rocky start, as all good adventures should.
The story of my biggest adventure yet. A 1.5 year backpacking adventure taking me +19,000 miles across two continents.
Want to know the top 10 items I carry when out hiking and walking? Here's my list of day hiking gear essentials.
Looking to chase away the quarantine blues? Begin planning your next trip using my top 10 adventure travel bucket list for 2020.
Bored? Stuck in a COVID-19 quarantine? There's only one thing for it... a 12-hour reading marathon of course! Why, what were you thinking?